Sunday, January 26, 2014

Back Again, Trying Something New!

So, the purpose of this blog originally was to keep family and friends updated on our life while living a long distance away. Well, over the last few years our life has taken some unexpected turns and we are now living close to almost all of our family and friends and "Princess" is now a whopping 3 1/2 years old.
That being said, I believe it is time for this blog to change along with us. I have re-imagined what I want the purpose of this blog to be all about. As you can see within my "About Me" button, I am a active Christian within our church, wife, mother, and teacher. With all of these different hats, I need a place to release, share, teach, and learn and what better place then the internet!
Please feel free to laugh, cry, rejoice, and live right alongside us as our adventures unfold before your eyes. Stay tuned!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

4th Anniversary

Thursday the 29th was our 4th wedding anniversary. Even though we were not able to spend the whole day together, because Kacey had to work in order for us to go down for Coast Guard and his brothers bachelor party, our evening together was nice. Klara and I spent the whole day together with Kacey's sister Kymm and her two kids. We drove the two hours out to Tahquamenon Falls State Park and enjoyed the beautiful sun and water. We hiked up to the upper falls and found ourselves surrounded by the rushing of golden orange water and cool mist spraying up from the bottom. On our way to the lower falls we stopped for some shopping and lunch.  Our trip continued on to the lower falls which are a beautiful combination of racing rapids and trickling falls. By this point the kids had had it. We tried making it back as quickly as possible and the two hour ride home was almost completely silent except for the sleeping breaths of the children and Kymm and I whispering.
Kacey came home and I quickly put Klara in Kymms arms (thank you so much for watching her!) as we walked out the house for our anniversary dinner. We spent the evening eating and conversing at the Portside, which is not the fanciest restaurant in town but it is one of our favorites and not very baby friendly due to its lack of space. With both of us exhausted we finished our meal and headed home. When we walked in the door Kymm informed us that Klara had problems going down (her magic did work) but not only that Klara had rolled over from her belly to her back....and Kymm saw it! I know she had been doing it but I had never been able to catch her doing it. I also found out Klara beats to a different drum when rolling. Instead of placing her arms and legs in ways to push herself, she straightens stiff as a board and begins to rock back and forth until she gets enough power to roll.....that's our daughter! The other new feat Klara accomplished was finding her nook and placing it in her own mouth.  I know that she could grab it if it fell out but to know she could then place it in her mouth is huge. Of course since then she still cries in the middle of the night to have us get her nook, but I know the night is coming when she will do it on her own ....hopefully

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Time Fly's

I can't believe that Klara is going to be 4 months soon. It seems like this last week we have seen so many changes in her. First, we started her on cereal at night due to her insatiable appetite. She is doing great with eating in her bumbo seat and taking food from a spoon.  It takes a few attempts for her to remember how to swallow correctly, but she quickly remembers. The second thing that change this week was her wardrobe. She is now wearing her 3-6 month old clothes. I love all of the new cute things I can put her in, but it doesn't seem like she was in her other clothes that long. Finally, has been her contagious laugh. Klara has been smiling for awhile now, but she just started laughing really loud belly laughs with a combination of squeals.  I absolutely lover hearing her laugh. Once she starts I can't stop myself from laughing with her and we end up laughing at each other...LOL. I tried to get a video of this but was not successful so as soon as we get it on film I will post it. Instead I decided to post her in her new favorite toy. Enjoy!

A Day At Camp

For you non-yoopers/trolls camp is a small cottage or house placed in the woods or on a lake. Yesterday our family went to the Brintlinger's camp to spend the afternoon enjoying the sun, water, and friends. We thought it would be a good idea to bring Blitz and Remy along as well, but we decided this would be the last time. They loved playing with Matt's lab, Pony, in the water, but Remy was so excited he scared the neighbors kid and would not stop barking....oh well. Klara and I spent a good chunk of the day sitting out and soaking up the sun. We took a little ride around Pike Lake on the Brintlinger's boat the warmth of the sun and the breeze quickly put Klara to sleep. Remy decided to jump off the boat while we drove through the swampiest part of the lake and Blitz was quick to follow! We made sure to bathe them both before we left. Matt cooked us up a great T-bone steak. Poor Klara stared at our dinner as she sipped on her bottle, thank goodness we started her on cereal! When we arrived home we were welcomed by a severe thunderstorm and tornado watch. As we drifted off to sleep we enjoyed listening to the rolls of thunder and rain tapping on the roof.  Unfortunately we had to enjoy last night with Blitz in bed with us shivering with fear with each bolt of lightening and crack of thunder.
Klara trying on her life vest!
A family of ducks.
Remy after his dive off the boat.
Blitz navigating.
Klara's first boat lesson from Matt.
Using both hands but not quite 10 and 2.

Monday, July 26, 2010

A Hiking We Will Go

Saturday was definitely an eventful day. Kacey's sister Kymm and her two kids, Kira 4 years old and Dominik 18 months, are up visiting friends for the next couple weeks. We decided that we needed to get in some much needed fresh air, so we drove to Hogs Back Mountain. Now I know we still live in Michigan and have very little mountainous terrain, but this was still a trek! With Klara strapped to me, Remy on leash with Kacey, and Kymm with her two little ones, we began the ascend to the top of the mountain. The sights and sounds were so revitalizing as we made our way through the trees. As much as I was praying that I would make it up the trail before sun down, I was also thanking God for the beautiful surroundings that we were able to experience. To much of my surprise Klara stayed awake for most the trek up and with little complaining about being strapped to me. Once we got to the top the view was breath taking. It had been about 8 years since Kacey and I had made the hike and I was in just as much awe Saturday as I was 8 years ago. After a few pictures and a much need rest we began our descent back to our vehicles. The trip up took about 1.5 hours, I am not sure how long the trip back took but it seemed almost double. After a few stumbles and bruised knees we made it back to the parking lot.  I was amazed at how well the kids did for such a long day. Kymm's little girl, Kira, made about 3/4 of the hike all on her own! Even though Klara is too young to remember this day, I know that she was taking in every sight, sound, and smell that we came across. We are so blessed to have such a beautiful landscape right out our backdoor! If you ever make a trip up to the U.P. make sure to take time to enjoy the sights and trails that let you truly experience what God has given us.